Instituto Guaicuy

    General Information

    Instituto Guaicuy

    Find out where the nearest Instituto Guaicuy office is located! We are open Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 6 PM.

    CNPJ 04.518.749/0001-86
    Municipal Registration: 0186109/001-0
    Belo Horizonte office: Brasópolis, 109 - Floresta | CEP 30150-170
    (31) 3024-9460

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    Press relations

    Phone: (31) 97135-3685
    Press contact email:

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    Regional Offices

    ATI Paraopeba

    • Area 4 Office: (31) 99981-9630
      Rua Dois de Novembro, 1390, Trevo – Pompéu | ZIP: 35640-000
    • Area 5 East Office: (31) 97102-5001
      Padre Jurandir, 279, Centro – Felixlândia | ZIP: 39237-000
    • Area 5 West Office: (31) 99981-9630
      João Dayrell Pinto Ferreira, 300, Centro – Morada Nova de Minas | ZIP 35628-000

    ATI Antônio Pereira

    • Antônio Pereira: (31) 97256-2131
      Community Center (Centro Promocional e Educacional Padre Ângelo), Rua 33, número 30 | ZIP: 35411-000
    • Mariana:
      Rua Jorge Marquês, 355 – São Sebastião | ZIP: 35424-297

    Manuelzão Project

    Av. Alfredo Balena, 190, 8º andar, Santa Efigênia - Belo Horizonte | MG

    (31) 3409-9818

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